Friday, October 31, 2008

We did it!

So, 2 days before his due date, baby #2 decided now is the time. Contractions started mildly Sunday night but didn't get serious til Monday at 1:40pm. Got to the hospital around 5:15pm and at 5:45pm I was 9.5 cm! Baby was born at 6:36pm on October 6th. Elliot Emerson was 8 lb 5 oz and 22 1/4" long, a half-inch longer than his brother! Recovery has been swift, luckily! Elliot is doing great and big brother Oliver has really transitioned beautifully. Aside from a few expected moments, Oliver is really tender and protective of Elliot. Oliver's vocabulary now includes words and phrases like "pump", "boob", and "scoop him". He likes playing hide and seek with my nursing cover as I'm feeding Elliot out and about. We've gotten into the swing of things of life and Elliot fits right in. He lives in the ergo carrier and really prefers mom to hold him while he sleeps rather than a swing or car seat. Nursing is minimal but Elliot doesn't mind and takes the bottle just fine.